8 February 2025

BY: MASNOENA ALLIE ISAACS                                                                                   

In October 2018, members from our Programmes Department at our head office in the United Kingdom, our offices in South Africa, France and Canada visited our water projects in Mali and Niger. It was here where they came across Nafissa and her family,who live in the village of Takarwet, Niger. The family have to load donkeys and travel several kilometres to fetch water every day. Their only water source is a watering hole where animals come to drink and defecate. Despite the dire need for help when the water makes them ill, their village is so remote that they cannot access proper medical care. “We drink the water the animals use. It makes us sick, but we have no choice.” – Nafissa

Just as it takes a village to raise a child, sometimes it takes a community to bring water to a village. At Muslim Hands, we rely on hundreds of loyal donors, dedicated volunteers, congregations, and groups to share the news about the water crisis and enable others to join the clean water cause.

Drought in Pakistan
For years the problem of prolonged drought has been accumulating in Pakistan. More than 200 million people rely on dwindling water supplies and millions across the country face a daily struggle to find water to drink. A simple tube well is cost-effective and can provide a family with safe water to drink for years to come.

Dirty Water Kills in Mali
The villagers of remote Bessa in Mali sought to provide themselves clean water, so they dug their own well. Without the necessary materials however, the well collapsed and the water was contaminated. A properly constructed well would allow the villagers of Bessa to keep livestock and free up time to educate their children.

To provide relief to the drought-stricken families, Muslim Hands will be launching an international water campaign to provide the gift of clean drinking water as we respond to a global drought. Designed as an on-going effort, this broad-based campaign will help to answer the question about how our actions, attitudes and the things we most value are so closely connected with water. The campaign is set to launch in February 2019.

Give the Gift of Water
Muslim Hands works globally to combat this major obstacle by constructing Tube Wells, Dig-a-Wells and installing Community Wells. Our expert teams make building a well with Muslim Hands easy. Each well is constructed to meet the specific needs of the community. Your well will come with a plaque displaying your name, or you can gift it in the name of a loved one. You will receive a feedback report of the project so that you can see the impact your donation has made. Our work does not end once the well is built.

We generate solutions by thoroughly assessing each problem to suit the needs of the individual community whether it is on a local or international basis. Within developing countries there is a major lack of knowledge about health and hygiene. Muslim Hands delivers educational programs to train people to use water sustainably and to keep their water sources clean.

Family Challenge to provide clean Water to a community
Skydive for Water! Embrace your inner fear and skydive from a breath-taking height of 9000 feet with highly qualified Parachute Association of South Africa instructors. Perfect for first time jumpers, an introductory skydive is a quick and easy way of experiencing the thrill of freefall. It’s also an exhilarating way to have fun while raising funds for your very own Dig-a-Well.

Walk for Water with your Friends and family to install a well
5km Walk for Water. This year we will be heading to 3 cities across South Africa on a bigger scale, whilst bringing more families and friends together to take on the 5-kilometre challenge. This year the Walk for Water will be focusing on the provision of Tube Wells to communities in need across the globe.

Follow our social media platforms for more information about these exciting upcoming events and how you can be a part in assisting families and communities in urgent need of clean water. We understand that bydonating to Muslim Hands you are placing your trust in us. Donate today and help save a community indesperate need. Contact Muslim Hands today on 021 633 6413 or visit our office at 1 Carnie Road, Rylands or on the Muslim Hands website: www.muslimhands.org.za. Muslim Hands – united for the needy.

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