8 February 2025
SA halal bodies comply with call to stop certifying Israeli products

[Source - Brookings]

By Al-Qalam Reporter

South Africa’s halal bodies are complying with a call by The United Ulema Council of South Africa (UUCSA) to immediately stop certifying Israeli products in the wake of the Israeli massacre of 15000 Gazans.

The decision was made following a meeting between the Muslim Judicial Council’s Halaal Trust, the South African National Halaal Authority, the National Independent Halaal Trust, the Islamic Council of South Africa, SHURA Halaal, and the Halaal Foundation of South Africa.

“UUCSA is pleased to announce that the engagement with the various halaal bodies has yielded a unanimous affirmation of a policy of not certifying any Israeli products. The halaal certifying bodies have expressed their steadfast adherence to this commitment. Given the many dimensions and implications of this policy, these halaal bodies have agreed to conduct further discussions, to jointly address this important matter,” said UUCSA President, Moulana Abdul Khaliq Ebrahim Allie.

Moulana Allie also made a call to the public saying that if any individual was aware of any products made in Israel that halaal bodies may not be aware of, they should bring the details to the attention of halaal certifying bodies.

UUCSA said South Africans are the friends that Palestinians need at this moment, while Zionists enjoy the support of the powers that have given them a license to a genocidal obliteration of Gaza.

“It is important to remind world leaders to show courage and act with the moral responsibility that this moment in history demands. Those who think otherwise risk being on the wrong side of history, and cannot feign ignorance of the facts,” said UCCSA.

The body saluted the African National Congress, the Economic Freedom Fighters, Al Jama-ah, the National Freedom Party, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, and many other political and civil formations for their unwavering support for justice for Palestine, the land, and its people”.

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