15 February 2025
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[Photo source: ABC Listen]

In light of the genocide in Gaza, as conscientious Muslims and witnesses for justice we cannot become mere bystanders, writes Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar.

Over the past month and a half, since 7 October 2023 Hamas broke out of the Gaza open air prison that led to the killing of close to 1400 Israelis – and the taking of over 200 hostages. Well over 12000 Palestinians have been killed, tens of thousands have been maimed and over one million people have been displaced from their homes. We are currently witnessing an inhumane and unrelenting bombing campaign perpetrated by the Apartheid State of Israel against oppressed Palestinians living in Gaza.

In light of this menacing genocide in Gaza, as conscientious Muslims and witnesses for justice we cannot become mere bystanders to a second nakba or catastrophe threatening the oppressed people of Palestine. I would like in this khutbah to provide five modest guidelines as to how as conscientious Muslims, in the face of a looming genocide, should be witnessing for justice and supporting and standing in solidarity with our oppressed Palestinians.

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Five Modest Guidelines for Witnesses for Justice

First and foremost, as responsible global citizens, we cannot be mere bystanders. We cannot imitate the apathetic response of the international community and remain silent, nor can we give in to despair and hopelessness while innocent human beings are being unjustly slaughtered, maimed and rendered refugees in the land of their birth. As conscientious Muslims, we are duty bound to stand up firmly for justice and to stand firm and resolute in our solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine. We need to use our resources and media platforms to speak out loudly and clearly against the genocidal campaign perpetrated by the Apartheid State of Israel against Palestinians in Gaza. In this regard, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has proclaimed:

The best form of jihad struggle against evil is to speak a word of truth in the face of an oppressive and tyrannical ruler” (Musnad of Imam Ahmad)

Second, in light of the perilous and death-defying situation facing oppressed Palestinians, we cannot afford to become desensitized to their immense human suffering nor become weary and tired of our commendable protest actions. We need to become far more creative in sustaining our commendable protest actions and solidarity campaigns and reach out more imaginatively to our fellow South African compatriots, especially Christians, Jews, people of faith and of none, to join our Palestinian solidarity campaigns. We can only do so effectively if we do not allow anger (ghadab) to consume us and by holding onto our humanity by witness for justice within the ethos of compassion (rahma) i.e., without hate and revenge. In this regard, the Glorious Qur’an reminds us in Surah al-Ma’idah, chapter 5 verse 8:

Believers, be persistently standing firm for God, as witnesses for justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you or make you deviate from being just. Be just; that is the closest thing to righteousness. And be God conscious; for indeed, God is Acquainted with what you do.

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The third modest guideline for witnessing for justice and supporting and standing in solidarity with our oppressed Palestinian brothers and sisters, in the face of the current Israeli campaign of genocide, is that we should support relief efforts for Palestine. We need to amplify our call for an immediate ceasefire and support a massive humanitarian aid programme for the suffering people of Gaza. The Gift of the Givers, Islamic Relief and other agencies stand ready to assist with the massive humanitarian efforts that are needed in the Gaza Strip. 

The fourth guideline for witnessing for justice, is that we need to intensify our pressure on our South African government to do three things urgently.

  1. To shut down the Israeli embassy and expel its ambassador.
  2. To implement comprehensive Boycott and Divestment Sanctions against the Apartheid State of Israel and, 
  3. To prosecute South African mercenaries serving in the Israeli occupation forces in violation of international law.

My fifth and last guideline for witness for justice is to intensify our du’as (prayers) for the oppressed people of Gaza and for all Palestinians. For the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has proclaimed that the du’a’ (prayer) of the oppressed person will never be rejected. Furthermore, du’a’ is the undefeatable weapon of the believer, and we should never fail to remember our Palestinian brothers and sisters in our supplications. May Allah protect the people of Gaza, guide and enable them to resist their oppressors with courage and wisdom; and liberate them from their tormentors and occupiers of their land.

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