The apartheid Israeli state, its settler colonial policies and prison system continue to violate Palestinian rights and entrench systematic practices to subjugate the will and aspiration of the Palestinian people for the right to self-determination.
The utilisation of lawfare and global advocacy of the IPPSRA Bill in building universal jurisdiction can bring to justice where international criminal law and fundamental human rights have been violated. No longer shall intransigent international institutions deny long overdue justice to Palestinians and the apartheid Israeli state, its leaders, the IDF commanders and complicit institutions will face the global net of accountability for its crimes.
I echo the words of Br. Iqbal Jassat of the Media Review Network in his recent publication: “Message of Palestinian Resistance is clear: No Surrender to Apartheid Israel!
“Whether Israel assassinates journalists such as Shereen Abu Akleh; imprisons and tortures leaders of the Resistance; demolishes homes and destroys farmlands; raids, plunders and bombs Gaza; it cannot subdue Palestine’s spirited struggle to free itself from the yoke of Zionist brutality.”
“As South Africa learned so will Israel that wielding military power to eliminate as many targets as it wants, (argued as state terrorism) will not attain “security” nor sustain any of Zionism’s ill-gotten gains. Islamic Jihad’s successful thwarting of Israel’s unprovoked onslaught in Gaza, has allowed it to emerge victorious and an important component of Palestinian resistance.”
“Alongside Hamas and Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad has entrenched itself as a force capable to deter Israeli aggression. More importantly, the message it proclaims is that Palestinian people will neither retreat nor surrender.”
In the words of Imam Hussein (RA) – “Avoid oppressing the one who does not have any supporter against you, other than the Almighty God.” (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 78, P.118)
Ziyaad E. Patel
South African International Human Rights Lawyer
Lawfare advocate for a free Palestine
*This is an excerpt from his speech at the ‘International Conference of Call of Al-Aqsa’ in Iraq.*