8 February 2025
Yacoob Vahed Pic 1

Our Beloved Yacoob Vahed

We have lost so many beautiful souls in such a short space of time. Every time you contemplate writing a eulogy for a beloved soul, all sorts of memories, encounters and happenings fill your mind. This time around is our dear friend Yacoob Vahed.

He was a husband, father, uncle, brother, teacher, friend, mentor and coach to so many people. In each of these roles he was a role model within his own right. He was his children’s best friend. Thinking back of the many visits to our home always leaves me with so much delight, joy and nostalgic reminiscences.

From my early encounters he was an incredible husband whose support of his ill-wife, Hajra, without a frown, is a life lesson indeed. He fulfilled that responsibility of a husband, as men should and undeniably espoused by our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), an example for young men to look up to, nothing short of compassion and patience.

He was gracious in reception whoever enters his path, no matter what age, ethnic background, privileged or not he will receive you with the same hearty and enthusiastic personality. Indeed, the traits of a true sportsman, encompasses many aspects of his character on the field and off the field.

Respect for both his team mates and his opponents as equals. He played the game with integrity where justice and fair play are constitutive features of his making. His love for sports was displayed not only through cricket but also in the game tennis. And yes, he played the gentleman’s game well and that surely could be mirrored in how he lived his life.

Looking back, his awareness and carefulness navigating life was the most striking throughout, it seems that he deeply understood what was required and of course, without a blink would fill the void. He knew exactly what was needed to alleviate, to ease and to assist the other no matter at what cost. This for me was his core, able to see and do beyond himself, a generous loving spirit.

His presence, contribution and difference he made in the lives of many cannot be summed up in a few sentimental passages. His mindfulness in living is what I will take to heart, and hopefully align myself with his beautiful example.

Finally, we make dua Allah ( SWT) grants him the highest status in Jannah and may He reward his beloved wife Hajra and his sons Ebrahim,Yunus and Fazel for accepting this irretrievable loss with patience. Aameen.

Edris Khamissa

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