Source: SAHUC - Zikr for Marhoom Fariet Moosa, SAHUC mission worker during Hajj 2022/1443AH from Azizia, Mecca.
The South African Hajj and Umrah Council (SAHUC) mourns the passing of Brother Fariet Moosa.
On behalf of the Board, NGC members and Mission team of SAHUC, we are deeply saddened by the loss of one of our pioneer mission workers brother Fariet Moosa who has returned in the Mercy of Allah S.W.T.
Brother Fariet Moosa was out in the path of Allah making Khidmah to the guests (Hujaaj) of Allah S.W.T. in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Makkah.
A person out in the service of Deen to the Ummah of our beloved Master Nabi Muhammad Mustapha S.A.W, serving the guests of Allah S.W.T, his reward is that of a Martyr. His reward is solely by Allah S.W.T. His ultimate reward will be his Creator Allah S.W.T.
Brother Fariet is survived by his family in South Africa. On the 3rd of June 2022 Brother Fariet left South Africa to serve the Hujaaj in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
We make Duah that Allah S.W.T. grants Brother Fariet the highest stages of Jannatul Firdous.
May Allah S.W.T. fill his Qabr with Noor and make his Qabr one of the gardens from the beautiful gardens of paradise.
May Allah S.W.T. grant his family sabr through this great loss. May Allah S.W.T. grant them the strength and health in the days to come with Aafiyah.
From the Board, National General Council (NGC) and Mission team of SAHUC.
Yours Sincerely
Was Salaamu Alaikum
Hassan Choonara