9 February 2025
radio islam

By Al Qalam Reporter

Radio Islam International in conjunction with the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa and the Beacon Masjid Awards in the UK, have launched an innovative Masjids Awards programme to honour the best run mosques in South Africa under various categories.

The Radio Islam Masjid Awards, as it is known, will be held on August 24 in Johannesburg at a venue to be announced. It said after “considering the importance of a Masjid in a community, Radio Islam International realized the need to recognize and acknowledge excellence.”

In its press release, Radio Islam said: “With one of the most homogenous Muslim communities on the planet, a Masjid in South Africa has multiple roles to fulfil. Just like any other institute, organization or establishment, the foundation of its success depends on strategies, efforts and role players. 

“Radio Islam encourages Masaajid from around the country to participate in this event and use it as a means of uniting the community.”

The station is calling for written and oral submissions in the following categories:

Best Managed Masjid: In this category, the leadership and management of the Masjid will be judged in terms of efficiency in the management of events, programs and other services. Other aspects that will be looked at includes the Masjid working with other communities, dealing with complaints, sharing their expertise and the level of integrity and approachability in running the Masjid.

Best Centre for Educational Projects: Here, a Masjid’s educational projects are looked at. It can either be run from inside the Masjid or run by members of the Masjid at another location. Masaajid will be judged on their efforts to develop and maintain a learning environment for children and adults. Additionally, what will also be looked at is the classroom environment, the teacher-pupil ratio and how staff is supported with learning opportunities and resources to assist them in imparting knowledge.

Most Inclusive Activity: In this category, judges will be looking at programs that Masjid leaders or members have developed. These can be Dawah programs for Muslims and non-Muslims, programmes for women, children and the elderly that supports their intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs and charity projects that empowers under privileged communities or the under privileged in the area. Masjid open days, Masjid Iftaars for non-Muslims and Islamic awareness events are also included in this category.

Most Impactful Imam: Here judges will be looking at an Imam that has made a positive impact on the Masjid and the broader community. Judges will be looking at the following, such as:  Providing impactful leadership to the community; Empowering the community; Providing counselling services; Initiating community based projects; Visiting the sick/bereaved; Educating the community; Visiting the prisons; Interfaith programs; Going beyond the call of duty

Most Punctual and Committed Muazzin: Judges will be looking for individuals who makes a difference in their communities. Besides giving the Azaan, the ideal candidate should be one that interacts with the Musallees, enjoys a cordial relationship with them and goes beyond the call of duty to make a difference.

Best Youth Service: Here judges will look at Masaajid that have developed programs or facilities for the youth in order to equip them with the mindset and spirituality that is needed in the modern age. Testaments from youth that use the services or facilities will be looked at. 

Most Innovative Service: In this category, judges will look at Masaajid which develop and sustain something unique or innovative that supports the worshippers or the wider community. The innovation may be structural, financial, educational, spiritual or environmental. It should be a concept that is unique, groundbreaking and a model for other Masaajid to consider. 

Lifetime Achievement Award: The judges will be looking at a person who has been involved in the running of a Masjid for a long period of time, who is either still involved, or has retired. The judges would also be happy to consider a posthumous award. This person/s (more than one award could be given) needs to have made an indelible mark on the Masjid – either in service to the community, or in management and, ideally, should be one whose work and service is appreciated by the community. The judges would like this person to have been a strong inspiration to others. Imaams, Muazzins, board members and all other role players in a Masjid will be considered for this award.

*For full details on how enter and the rules to follow or to subscribe for updates, for partnership and sponsorship opportunities and other general queries, email masjidawards@radioislam.org.za and follow the hashtag #RIMasjidAwards on social media.




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