Just two week ago, Zaheer Sarang and Nabeela Khan of Crosby, Johannesburg made nikah and vowed to be with each other in marriage, but their promising lives took a horrid turn when both were tragically electrocuted in the shower at their home.
Now an investigation has been launched as to whether illegal electricity connections at nearby townships had something to do with electrical currents running through homes of many residents in the Crosby area.
According to Daily Maverick, Zaheer’s parents, Yusuf and Anisa Sarang, live in the main house and had built a cottage for the young couple. The couple got home from their honeymoon on Saturday night, and Zaheer’s parents thought the couple were lying in on Sunday morning.
However, that afternoon Yusuf Sarang became worried as the curtains in the cottage remained closed, and there was no sign of life. He forced open the door to discover the bodies of his son and daughter-in-law.
The family believes that Nabeela Khan-Sarang was electrocuted in the shower, and that Zaheer tried to help her and was also electrocuted.
City Power CEO Mongezi Ntsokolo has launched an urgent investigation while the SA Police Service has opened an inquest.
Last week, the family got slight shocks when they used the taps and reported the problem to City Power several times. Other community members have made similar reports of electric currents running through their water.
The family’s spokesperson, Ricky Nair, a community activist, says City Power must investigate illegal connections across the area. He says a woman and child were electrocuted at the Slovo informal settlement in the ward last year after residents hung wet blankets over electrical wiring.