10 February 2025

The legacy of Mandela was celebrated at a Clayhaven Primary school in Phoenix with the assistance of a local NPC called Khidmatul Khalq Foundation of South Africa NPC. A school was chosen as it resonates with one of Mandela’s most famous quotes namely, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” was This year, the covid pandemic necessitated some changes to the traditional celebrations.

The programme honoured Mandela’s contribution to our country while still observing all safety protocols. The parents and learners from the school were given hampers, sanitiser packs, milk and cereals. A sumptuous hot meal was also provided in the form of a takeaway for the entire family. The programme commenced with universal prayers. Various high ranking officials, including former Deputy Mayor Cllr Fawzia Peer, Former MPL Mr Omie Singh and Mrs Sharon Lutchanna addressed the community.

Councillor Fawzia Peer made an impassioned plea to follow all safety protocols in order to curb the devastating effects of COVID 19. She also appealed to the communities to open their hearts and pockets to the less fortunate and all those who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Mr Omie Singh reiterated that communities must change their social behaviour and heed the advice and protocols from government at all times. He went on to say that even Madiba, made sacrifices so that we could be free and that now it’s our duty to make sacrifices to rid ourselves from the Covid 19 pandemic. Mr. Muhammad Masoom Bagdadi, the Chairman of Khidmatul Khalq Foundation pledged his organisations continued support to the school and to the Clayfield community.

He further pledged to pursue all efforts to ensure that the school’s deteriorating infrastructure is replaced with a proper brick building. The Foundation was also responsible for providing grocery hampers on an ongoing basis to the community during the 3-month long lockdown. The Acting Principal of the school, Mr. Mohamed Azeem Moidin welcomed the initiative and support of the Foundation.

He applauded the partnership that exists with the school and is confident that the school and its community will emerge richer out of this. Mr. Moidin also acknowledged the pivotal role of Mrs Jerelene Virasamy of the SGB and Ms. S.A Ismail in the planning of this grand Mandela Day 2020 of Clayhaven Primary. The most satisfying aspect of this celebration was the joy seen on the face of the learners and their families. Muhammad Masoom Bagdadi (Chairman) Email: info@khidmatulkhalq.org.za

693 Peter Mokaba Ridge, Essenwood, 4001.Kwazulu Natal – P.O.Box 37862, OVERPORT, 4067. Republic of South Africa. Email: info@khidmatulkhalq.org.za www.khidmatulkhalq.org.za Donate: https://www.payfast.co.za/donate/go/khidmatulkhalqfoundationofsouthafricanpc Telephone: (031) 82 78693 Fax: (086) 6178692 https://www.facebook.com/pg/humanityza KhidmatulkhalqZA @KhidmatulF

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