10 February 2025

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) must take off its blinkers. This is the problem with their ruse: Apartheid Israel wants to have dialogue and peace-building with the rest of the world whilst engaging in occupation, ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestine and her people.

We recognize this scenario too well from our own painful experience under Apartheid South Africa. We called it sanctions busting and the rogue states that were complicit in supporting the Apartheid South Africa regime included Apartheid Israel.

The SAJBD must stop fig-leafing the daily crimes against humanity perpetrated against the Palestinian people and then preach dialogue and peace-building to the world whilst the blood of Palestinians is dripping from their lips and their hands are drenched in abetting Apartheid Israel’s crimes.

The SAJBD must ask the 40 women and 66 innocent children murdered in one week in May 2021 or the young teenage boy murdered last week; who engaged them in dialogue and peace-building?

The SAJBD is dishonest and covers up the realities of the occupation, the daily expansion of illegal settlements on Palestinian lands, its brutal treatment of young and old at its checkpoints and the many manifestations of Israel’s blatant Apartheid character.

The SAJBD must be summoned by the South African Human Rights Commission and investigated for abetting crimes against humanity, aiding genocide and ethnic cleansing and being a proxy for Apartheid Israel.

We reiterate our support for Minister Nathi Mthethwa’s courageous stand on the Miss Universe Pageant in Apartheid Israel. We are not surprised that the SAJBD are throwing the bath, the bath plug, the sink and the cistern at him. They are merely exposing themselves further as lackeys of Apartheid Israel who will talk dialogue, peace-building and pagaents to the world whilst engaging in forced removals in Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, the South Hebron Hills and all over occupied Palestine.

We remind the SAJBD that the founding father of our nation Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela said: “Prisoners cannot negotiate, only free men can negotiate.” Stop your tricks of dialogue, peace-building and pageants to cover up the Apartheid Israel occupation of Palestinian land.

Stop the lies of dialogue, peace-building and pageants whilst the daily theft of Palestinian lands continues through the expansion of illegal settlements.

SAJBD stop your farcical dialogue, peace-building and pagaents whilst Apartheid Israel prevents a Palestinian traveling from Ramallah to Jerusalem without a dompas whilst contestants from all over the world can travel to participate in the Miss Universe Apartheid Pageant. Who are you fooling?

What dialogue, peace-building and pagaents are you talking about SAJBD when six million Palestinians driven from their homes and languishing in refugee camps and displaced all over the world are denied the right of return whilst people with no historic link to occupied Palestine are funded and supported to expand illegal settlements in violation of international law.

Whilst the South African Jewish Board of Deputies engage in dialogue, peace-building and promoting Apartheid pageants Palestinians are struggling to save five schools in the Jordan valley from Israeli demolition following the demolition of two classrooms under construction in the community of Khirbet Al-Maleh.

Apartheid wasn’t good for us as South Africans and certainly isn’t good for the Palestinians. Nobody in the world will ever convince us otherwise. SAJBD brings shame on itself for so blatantly promoting and defending Apartheid in occupied Palestine.

Nkosi Zwelivelile

Royal House of Mandela

Mvezo Komkhulu

Eastern Cape ProvinceSouth Africa

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