15 February 2025

The Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid had its roots in the opposition of the United Nations to the discriminatory racial policies of the South African Government known as apartheid which lasted from 1948 to 1990.

Apartheid was annually condemned by the General Assembly as contrary to Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter of the United Nations from 1952 until 1990 and was regularly condemned by the Security Council after 1960.

In 1966 the General Assembly labelled apartheid a crime against humanity [resolution 2202 A (XX1) of 16 December 1966} and in 1984 the Security Council endorsed this determination (resolution 556 (1984) of 23rd December 1984.).

Throughout our painful history, it was the masses that bore the brunt of extreme brutality under apartheid. Sharpville and many appalling tragedies such as Marikana, the Boipatong massacre and the 143 Life Esidimeni deaths were crimes against humanity and a gross violation of international and humanitarian law.

The current deliberate targeting of innocent civilians in the 50 brutal wars that are raging today involves massive crimes against humanity.

Every major power and their regional allies stand accused of many monstrous crimes against humanity in the humanistic realm as well as under international law. It has become a forgotten crime because the ruling classes and dominant nations do not consider civilians to be human and their deaths classified as collateral damage.

Based on the principles set forth in The International Criminal Tribunals, The Rome Statute, the international community must acknowledge political savagery today is the ultimate crime against humanity.



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