16 February 2025

So the government says they are going to ensure there are more rape kits in their police stations? This is only one link in a long broken chain.

Ironically, statistics show that the majority of ANC voters are women, yet the women bear the brunt of crime and then continue to vote ANC. Cognitive dissonance of the highest order.

Why are the opposition parties not attracting the female vote? This is how democracy is supposed to work.

And what about demeriting all those policemen who have not ensured that each police station has rape kits? Don’t pay their bonuses.

The country is collapsing because every civil servant operates with impunity.

We should reward success, not failure. This will send a signal to society to mend their ways. Yet what does the government do? It begs people, civil servants, rioters, men, truck burners and gangsters to mend their ways.

People will not mend their ways unless there are consequences.

In all normal societies, governments lock up criminals, not cajole them. And lock them up for many years, not 1 or 2 years. The underlying problem behind the lawlessness in the country is ideology and culture – it is how we do things.

The looters at the top are still walking around and none have been arrested except some whistle blowers. And the Zondo Commission is only investigating the tip of the iceberg. What about investigating all the municipalities, SOEs and government departments?

There are 1000’s of different networks, not only the Zupta network.  Democracy only works if one holds the ruling party to account by voting them out of power, not marching, protesting and spouting pious platitudes. The ANC will first have to mend its ways before our rapists, looters and murderers will.

Naushad Omar
Athlone, Cape Town


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