10 February 2025

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullaahie Wabarakaatuh.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praises are due to the Almighty Allah in all His attributes and universal blessings upon the Leader of mankind, the beloved Nabi Muhammad (SAW), his family members and companions (RA).

Alhumdulillah, the number of infections and the serious diseases and deaths from the COVID19 pandemic has been steadily decreasing. This is of course due to the grace and mercy of Allah (SWT) and through His guidance. We thank Allah (SWT) and encourage the community to increase our works of charity and sadaqah.

The Government regulations are now at lockdown level 1. The pandemic has taken a significant toll on the lives of people much of which is irreversible. Many have lost loved ones and breadwinners, and millions in our country have found themselves mired further in an inextricable web of poverty and suffering.

The virus may be causing fewer infections, but the scars left will remain forever. While it is difficult to predict the future course of the epidemic, several possible scenarios exist. Several countries have experienced a second wave with rising infection rates after having seemingly controlled the epidemic. Other countries seem to be experiencing an ongoing endemic phase with varying rates of infection from very low to very high.


We should be reassured by the incredible advances in management of patients with severe disease in a relatively short time, which through Allah’s (SWT) Mercy, seem to have reduced overall mortality rates in many countries. However, the disease still has the potential to cause fatalities and caution is advised.

The considered opinion of the vast majority of medical professionals from all over the world is that prevention remains the cornerstone of beating this disease and includes hand washing, social distancing, the use of face masks and the isolation of clinically suspected Covid positive patients.

When available, a vaccine may contribute significantly to the control of spread. We make dua that Allah (SWT) grants a universally accessible, affordable effective vaccine for all soon. It is human nature that we may become complacent after a long period of lockdown and isolation when in fact we are very social beings. The world has changed irreversibly, and it is unlikely that will be able to live our lives in the same way that we did before. Gatherings and interactions with others are likely to be impacted for a long time and this may permanently alter many facets of our lives. Certainly, and more importantly this test from Allah (SWT) should serve as a reminder to us that we are not in control and that our time on this earth is temporary and limited.

It should serve to galvanize us to improve our good work and our connection to our Lord. We pray that Allah (SWT) protects all humanity and brings relief to all those suffering. We make dua that all Marhoom are granted Jannatul Firdose. AAMEEN.

The Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMASA) and the South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) would like to remind the public that the danger of another wave still exists, and even though most who get it experience mild symptoms, there are a few who suffer severely and experience immense hardship and some who may die.

We urge caution and adherence to the present guidelines. We advise furthermore that the advice and recommendations from reliable medical sources be adhered to. Our responsibility as Muslims extends to humanity as a whole.

Dr Faisal Suleman –SAMNET

Dr Yakub Moosa Essack – (IMASA)

IMASA Dr Shoyab Wadee –IMASA

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