12 February 2025

Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization  declared the new coronavirus a global health emergency.We are all following the outbreak of this deadly Coronavirus in China with grave anxiety and consternation and in this khutbah I would like to reflect on how we as conscientious Muslims and responsible global citizens should respond to this new coronavirus.

First and foremost, this life-threatening respiratory disease which is highly infectious should remind us about the transient nature of life and move us all to redouble our commitment to live wholesome and virtuous lives. Maladies like the coronavirus is a stark reminder of our ultimate destinies i.e. the frailty of life and the inevitably of death. In this regard, the Glorious Qur’an advises us about the raison de’tre for the creation of the human being. In the famous opening verses from Surah al-Mulk, Allah, the Creator and Taker of Life, proclaims the following:

Blessed is Allah unto whom belongs who all dominion and has power over all things. The one who created death and life as test, in order to determine which of you is best in conduct, He (Allah) is All-Powerful, Most Forgiving.

Commentators of the Qur’an have been intrigued to discover why death is mentioned in the above verse as having been created first before life. It is my considered view that the explanation for death being mentioned before life is that the test of death is perhaps of greater significance than the test of life itself, because the one who often remembers his/her mortality and death will be inspired to habitually do good deeds and to live a life of virtue.

Second, it is important to realize that according to the Qur’an a trial or test,technically known as an ibtila’,may take the form of distress, but it could also take the form of comfort. The Qur’an predicts that the inclination of human beings would be to interpret the ibitla’of distress to be a sign that God has forsaken and punished them. Conversely, comfort and opulence are interpreted as a sign that God has blessed us. Such a perspective is given to us in Surah al-Fajr, chapter 89, verses 15 and 16.

Third, in light of the above evidences from the most primary sources of Islamic guidance, we should cast aside the view advocated by some Muslims that catastrophes such as the deadly coronavirus outbreak is a sign of the punishment of Allah for the Chinese government’s persecution of its Uighur population. It is my considered view that such obscurantist viewpoints deny the Divine justice of God, who is al-`Adil, the Absolutely Just. How does one account for the fact that only China is being chastised by God whereas other communities of equal or great sin and oppression are being been left un-punished? Or how does account for the fact that innocent children and even good, decent human beings are being killed by the coronavirus? I concur with the view expressed by Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi that “Of course we are enraged by what the (Chinese) government is doing, but we do not gloat over any communal disaster as a response to our anger.” Rather than stand in judgment of these suffering souls we should be praying for them and provide them with solace and hope. Moreover, the coronavirus is not only afflicting the Chinese but has already spread to other countries and has the potential if not curbed to affect all of us.

This leads me to my fourth point. Muslim infectious disease specialists and medical researchers should be at the forefront of providing the world with support for vaccine research and development and assist in discovering a clinical cure for the coronavirus. For the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has encouraged us with the following teaching:“For every illness there is a cure”

Fifth, as conscientious Muslims and responsible global citizens, we have a responsibility to assist with educating people about the measures we could take to protect ourselves from the coronavirus. In this regard I have two suggestions gleaned from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The first is not to travel to Chinese cities and provinces where the coronavirus is spreading. Such a position is supported by the Prophet Muhammad’s advice to his companions not to travel to areas and places known to be afflicted with the illness of leprosy. He also advised those in contaminated areas or communities not to leave and spread the disease further afield.

The second suggestion to protect us from the coronavirus is to encourage people to simply wash their hands especially after they have been in public areas and visited bathrooms. Contemporary research has shown that personal and environmental hygiene, especially hand washing, can reduce the spread of infectious diseases. In this regard the Qur’an and the Sunnah contain numerous teachings that promote personal and environmental hygiene as a religious obligation technically known as fiqh al-taharah.  

In conclusion, we should not create panic by spreading misinformation but constantly make du`aand pray to Allah,al-Shafi’ – the Source of All-Healing, to protect us, our families and communities, and indeed all of our brothers and sisters in humanity from the coronavirus.

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