12 February 2025

The community of Durban and indeed the South African Ummah at large has lost another beloved Aalim – this time the prominent public personality Moulana AR (Abdul Rahim) Khan who regularly presented the “AL-FIQH” programme on Radio Al-Ansaar and was well known for his guidance on Haj and Umrah seminars, including his published booklets on the topic.

Moulana AR Khan’s biography is impressive. He completed his Hifz al-Quraan in 1959 at the Jummah Masjid in Durban, and graduated as a student of the Late Shaikh Hafiz Yusuf Booley.

Moulana Khan thereafter went on to complete his Aalim Faadhil (theological studies) course at Miftahul-Uloom in Jalalabad, India in 1969 under the Late Hazrath Masihullah Khan (Rahmatullahi Alaihi).

From 1969 to 2008, Moulana AR Khan was appointed as the Senior Islamic Education teacher and Head of the Islamic Education Studies at Orient Islamic Educational Institute in Durban.

Within the years 1976 and 2000, Moulana AR Khan fulfilled the following duties; Supervisor of affiliated Madrasahs that fell under the ambit of Jamiatul – Ulama Natal, the Imam at Merewent Islamic Trust Masjid and a Senior Lecturer in the Teaching Training and Adult Education programme hosted by the Muslim Charitable Foundation in Durban.

Moulana AR Khan’s fields of specialisation include: Guiding pilgrims during Haj and Umrah since 1984 and conducting special Haj and Umrah classes every Saturday in Ramadan, regularly delivering the Jummah Khutba (Friday sermon) and Bayaan; conducting Quran Tafsir (transliteration) classes from 1981.

Moulana AR Khan had specialised knowledge in Haj, Umrah, Ziyarah, Nikah, Talaq and the Islamic Laws of Inheritance. As such, he has published guide books on Haj, Umrah and Ziyarah in English.

Moulana AR Khan was a member of Jamiatul Ulama KZN, Chatsworth Ulama Council and the South African Hajj and Umrah Council (SAHUC).

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