By Al Qalam Reporter
With hospital beds for Covid-19 patients virtually unavailable, the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMASA) Durban have stepped in to provide oxygen concentration machines for use at home for critically sick patients.
The IMASA-DBN home based oxygen campaign, as it is known, has purchased over a dozen of these vital equipment that cost approximately R16 000 each. They are being loaned out to patients subject to their doctors’ providing written motivation for them.
However, the organization has appealed to the community to donate funds to purchase more machines as the demand for them was increasing by the day.
An office manager at the IMASA-DBN told Al Qalam that the oxygen machines would be loaned to patients for a period of 10 days, and should it be needed for a longer period, the patient’s doctor would have to motivate for the extended time frame.
In a statement, IMASA-DBN said already demand for the machines have exceeded supply.
“The exponential rise in Covid-19 cases daily in South Africa is a genuine reason for concern – hospitals are already filled to capacity.”
Judging from the rise in infections in the community, IMASA said it desperately needs to purchase many more oxygen concentration machines to save lives and have urged benefactors to “donate to this noble campaign”
For more information, you can contact Dr Ebrahim Khan on 0823593841 or Dr A.K. Peer on 0835550036. You may also contact Yasiera Mahomed on 0827286721or the IMA headquarters in Durban on 031) 2097838.
Banking details are available by contacting the IMA office.