12 March 2025

Let this Ramadaan be a new beginning, especially for a heightened spirituality, and therefore renew our compassion, caring, and serving for all Mankind, Insha Allah. This is the month when we learn to develop self-control and self-inhibition from rampant and uncontrolled pleasures, passions, and desires further.

This is the month when we re-identify with the poor and hungry and begin to experience and feel what they are going through all their lives. And therefore, this is the month we learn and experience the true meaning of Love, Peace and Compassion.

But this is also a month of reflection and introspection. Also, a time when family and friends get together more often, a time when the focus is more on others than ourselves. A time of extra prayers, contemplation, but also togetherness.

This is the time when we forgive and hope that we are forgiven; a time to set aside anger, revenge and all our negative emotions and conversely illustrate, through our words, attitudes, behaviour and deeds, the light of true peace. This is a month that has been gifted to us by our Lord, who says: “I am as My servants expect of Me”.

May we benefit tremendously from this holy and blessed month. May our hearts be filled with peace, serenity, and compassion for all mankind. May our fasts and all our acts of worship (Ibadah) be accepted. May Allah bless us all, always. We pray that one and all will truly experience this great and wonderful experience of Ramadaan. Insha Allah.

Ramadaan Mubarak!!!

Dr Ebrahim Dada

National Executive Director

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