The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas expresses deep sorrow at the sad news of the death of Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim.
To God we belong and to Him is our return.
Our condolences go out to his wife Shannon and their children, his family, the South African leadership, and the people who mourn the loss of a comrade, a commander, a friend, and a brother.
With his gentle demeanour, Comrade Ebrahim proved that he was a man of determination and someone who loved justice and would fight for it – despite the great challenges he faced.
Not even torture or imprisonment could break that determination and commitment. Ebrahim’s legacy is a gift to all peoples around the world who are fighting for their liberation.
Comrade Ebrahim himself was willing to make sacrifices in his support of the Palestinian people.
We remember how he confronted his colleagues when, as Deputy Foreign Minister, he insisted that South African government officials should not be allowed to visit Israel, and how he was demonised by the Zionist lobby in South Africa. But this has never deterred Comrade Ebrahim from his honorable position.
Nor was he dissuaded from his conviction that armed struggle can be an essential part of any struggle for justice and liberation.
He expressed this many times, including in meetings with some of our leaders.
South Africa has lost a beloved fighter and leader today.
We wave our flags in his honour and pray that his example will continue to inspire generations of South Africans and other fighters for justice.
Hamba Kahle Mkonto! May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouq
Head of Hamas International Relations Portfolio