10 February 2025

Asalaamu-Alaykum my Dear Malay and Indian Brothers and Sisters in Islam

I pen this letter with a sad and heavy heart. Very disappointed, if I may add.

Highly respected Muslim theologian Shaykh Mirza Yawar Baig of India recently wrote a letter to you warning you about not involving yourselves in the struggles and issues facing our Nation here in Azania, unlike your forebears like Imam Abdullah Haroon, Gora Ebrahim, Dr Abu-Baker Asvat, Dr Yusuf Dadoo, Haroon Patel etc.

I say this because recently the issue of the denigrating of Afrikan people and their hair by Clicks and Unilever was a very topical matter and I am still to hear a word from the Muslim community condemning this racist behaviour.

Unless proven otherwise I have not seen any condemnation from any Muslim academic from Prof Aslam Fataar down in the Cape to Prof Adam Habeeb up in Gauteng. Nada!

I have not heard a word from Muslim political and social science gurus like from the boytjies at ASRI Ebrahim Fakir or Mohammad Cajee, nor from Na’eem Jeenah of the Afro-Middle East Centre.

I have not heard or seen any commentary from Muslim journalists Ashraf Garda nor Farid Sayed. Strangely I have not even heard a word from struggle activists like my buddy Cassim Khan down in Cape Town nor Minister Ebrahim Patel.

I have not heard a word from Ulama bodies (Muslim Theologian) like United Ulama Council of SA, Muslim Judicial Council nor Jamiatul Ulama SA, nothing, dololo.

I am raising this because just recently two issues that affect us Muslims and those specifically in the Indian and Malay areas besieged us and people of Afrikan descent came out in numbers to support us and condemn these actions.

Those issues are the Gentrification of Bo-Kaap in Cape Town and the banning of Athaan (call to prayer) in Isipingo, KwaZulu-Natal by a court in that Province.

I even witnessed a march of mainly Afrikan people in Isipingo marching against such banning and supporting the Muslim struggle to appeal that court’s decision to ban the Athaan.

Disappointingly what I have witnessed with especially the Hair saga was how jokes were made trivializing the struggles about hair within the Muslim social media platforms.

Don’t forget my dear brothers and sisters the issue at hand might have been the advert by Clicks and Unilever about the hair but the struggle is actually much deeper than that.

It is about the denigrating of the dignity of our people. A struggle your forebears gave up their lives to pursue in fighting apartheid, racism and injustice here in Azania.

Take note from your cousins in the USA, who when the Black Lives Matter, protests intensified there, Muslims of non-Afrikan ethnic groups also supported the struggle and took part in the campaign leading from the front.

This is just a cordial warning that when history judges you don’t be surprised because Shaykh Mirza Yawar Baig did warn you, and I also gave my 2 cents worth of input on the matter.

Black Lives Matter!

Ndiyabulela, Enkosi, Kea Leboga!


Aslam Mxolisi Tawana Chairman

Galeshewe Muslim Association


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