13 March 2025

South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) and the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMASA) condemns the criminal behavior masked as xenophobic and anti-immigrant attacks.

We recognize the consequences of past and current forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and linked intolerance as serious challenges to peace and security, human dignity and essential freedoms of many people in South Africa.

We realize the need to implement a robust technical framework that recognizes inequalities within various communities and the widespread discrimination against non-nationals due to perceived competition for employment, housing, medical services and education. We appeal to the South African government to work together with civil society and academia to implement this framework, which will improve our livelihood and disintegrate mob violence, gender based violence and all forms of criminal behavior that is reinforced by a poor economy.

In addition, we appeal to community leaders and political officials to avoid inciting hatred and violence toward people based on their race, gender, nationality, religion and other minority groups.

The spirit of Ubuntu must prevail in these challenging times.

Dr. Faisal Suliman – President SAMNET      

     Dr. Y. M. Essack Chairperson – IMASA

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