15 October 2024
Ahmed Kathrada Foundation calls out ANC’s ‘double standards’ on honouring Gordhan while ignoring State Capture

By Queenin Masuabi

The late Pravin Gordhan was praised for his ethical leadership during a memorial service held by the ANC Gauteng at the Johannesburg City Hall on Tuesday afternoon. 

Speaking on behalf of Gordhan’s family, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation’s executive director, Neeshan Balton, said South Africa faced problems that the ANC would have to correct to honour the memory of the former Cabinet minister. 

One of the requests Balton made was for the ANC to have zero tolerance for corruption and State Capture while ensuring that citizens had adequate services.

“It is also a challenge for the ANC. How do you honour PG? Why do you dishonour him with the presence of State Capturers in Parliament? Some caused the collapse of South African Airways [and] Eskom and sit in Parliament today as members of the ANC and … of other political parties.

“Why is this the case? Why do you have double standards? Why do you want to claim PG as a champion of what you stand for, and are there those crooks in Parliament who are everything PG stood against?” Balton insisted that State Capture was still a factor and should be dealt with accordingly.

“We are blind to it, and we are waiting until it is too late. You see [State Capture] in our hospitals and clinics — you see it everywhere. My appeal to you, as the ANC: do not wait until it is too late — act now,” he said.

Gordhan has been hailed for his resistance against State Capture during former president Jacob Zuma’s tenure, which was allegedly executed to largely benefit the Gupta family.

Balton slammed those who made negative comments about Gordhan after his death, particularly insults hurled by the EFF.

Balton quoted former finance minister Trevor Manuel, who said Gordhan’s lifestyle was completely “against every aspect of greed, corruption and vanity. 

“He [Manuel] said the statement from the EFF was just a statement of irony because greed and corruption are what the EFF is about. Their problem with Pravin Gordhan and everyone at SARS [SA Revenue Service] is that SARS had to go after the tobacco smugglers. Now do not ask me why the EFF are attached to smugglers.

“Comrade Pravin was an ANC loyalist, but not one that could not see the faults in his own organisation. When required, he stood up to take on these issues and called out the people he thought were not following the aims and vision of the organisation he was a part of.”

The EFF had said Gordhan’s legacy was deeply entwined with the destruction of state-owned enterprises.

“We cannot mourn counter-progressive forces that stood against the potential of building a successful, sovereign country that serves its people. Instead, we are reminded of the wreckage he leaves behind — wreckage that has ravaged the lives of ordinary South Africans,” said the party.

Gordhan’s last visitor

Balton visited Gordhan after the 29 May elections to understand what he would do during his retirement and to seek advice from the former Struggle hero.

“What we have learned about people today is that the organising ability in communities is not structured, is not properly done; it is ad hoc and, as a result, in most cases it ends in violence. We wanted to draw on his experience of building civic movements in Durban and KwaZulu-Natal and movements around SA.”

Balton revealed that Gordhan’s last visitor was President Cyril Ramaphosa. 

“I am also happy that the last visitor to comrade PG was President Cyril Ramaphosa. He was there late on Thursday night. We had all left, and he came, and he spent 30 to 45 minutes there talking to PG … not sure that he [Gordhan] understood, but committing himself to the ideals and aspirations and issues that PG was trying to champion until his last days.”

Gordon’s funeral was held in Durban yesterday. – Daily Maverick.

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